Sunday, 2 December 2018

Heroes Were Enslaved - Enslaving the Humans pt. 5

Astrid watches from her small pen as Celina bends down to be deeply penetrated by her Master and essentially scooped up to be chained back into place in her position as chest piece. It's been some time and the constant filling up of ogre cum has caused Celina's body to expand some in size as she no longer seems to care about tending to her stretched out pussy claiming she needs to be ready for her Master at any moment. Once both she and the elf over the ogres back are chained into position, the ogre starts forward toward Astrids cage as she looks up. Along the way, the ogre grabs hold of a metal pole and looks down at the mage.


Astrid's eyes light up when she hears that as she both smiles and nods.

“Yes, Master!”

The ogre unit rampages through the forest, the next zone on their way toward the capital. With their speed and force they've managed to come close to the forests edge. The alpha ogre, Chunk, waves out Astrid who calls spells upon the archers in the trees who become easy pickings for orcs and goblins alike. Those that aren't quickly slaughtered are picked and packed into sacks to be taken back to the camps. Things appear to be working in routine manner when Celina notices a shimmer in between the trees.

“Master! Down!” She calls as Chunk quickly ducks down at a giant crescent blade flies overhead cutting through trees and even through a few ogres and their armor.

“What...what was that?” The back armor, Lilandra, calls out.

“I don't know.” Celina replies feeling her Masters cock pushing deeper inside from the crouched position he was in. It wasn't safe to stand though, at least not until they knew what they were dealing with.

“''re pushing into the ground.” Astrid calls through the dirt as Chunk turns the “wand” around so the bound mage was at least on her back. “Thank you, Master.”

“I can find out what's going on.” Lilandra says noticing a tall tree nearby cutting Celina from her distracting thoughts. “Master, please unhook me and I'll take a look from the top of this tree.”

Chunk hesitates at first until Celina speaks up. “Master, it might be our best bet. We...can't keep ourselves down like this.”

Celina's voice almost sounds as though the tip of Chunk's dick were so far up it was pushing against her lungs. Or she was fearing that would at some point be the case. Nevertheless, Chunk uses his good hand to unhook Lilandra from his back letting her slide down onto her feet.


“Master's back armor won't run.” The elf says resting a reassuring hand over Chunk's lower back.

She then races to the tree and begins to scale quickly like a squirrel keeping herself out of view of where the blade was shot out from as she makes her way to the top of the tree. Looking all around, Lilandra soon notices a couple of soldiers stationed by a dual cannon setup. It was already loaded with something not quite as thick as the crescent blade shot out earlier so as one soldier kept themselves in behind the device another watched the forest diligently. Lilandra climbs back down and rests herself over her Master's back letting him chain her back into place.

“What's...what's out there?” Celina asks coughing out a little.

“There's a cannon,” Lilandra says beginning her report. “But it's something...different. There's two of them stationed directly beside one another. It's already loaded but there's only two soldiers stationed at it. I suppose to cover a regroup, keep us in the forest or have us retreat.”

“We certainly can't retreat!” Astrid calls out noting Celina's inability to speak at the moment. “Master, we need to keep pressing forward.”

Chunk looks over at Astrid as Lilandra tightens her grip on the chains keeping her bound up over the ogres back.

“Wand is right, Master.” She begins to add looking around seeing no one but themselves in the vicinity. “If we retreat now, we're practically giving the enemy this section of the forest back. We can't return telling the Master that.”

Chunk swallows putting more pressure over Celina's back as she focuses on her breathing finally managing to talk.

“They're...right, Master.” Chunk looks down at the back of Celina's head. “We-we need to press forward...maintain...control of this forest. We need to take that new weapon back. We need...t-to show them we're taking this realm for our Master.”

“Just hold me out front, Master.” Astrid says taking Chunk's attention. “My barrier will stop anything that's fired at us.”

Celina looks over when she hears that. She knows, just as Astrid does, how weak her barriers really are. However, neither make this point known. They just lock eyes and keep focus on what this is about. Soon, Chunk begins to stand and nods holding Astrid out who opens out her hands bound above her head and chants.

Fulgur obice!” A strong looking shock dome comes around them as Chunk smiles glad to see this now. Astrid keeps a strong poker face knowing this will do nothing against a physical strike if it was a projectile. The best it could do is tell her where it was coming against and, if she had time, strengthen the barrier in that particular spot enough to either slow down or deflect the object.

Chunk lets out a wild roar as Celina coughs out feeling the pressure on her insides fade off and before she knows it she's back to having the wind at her face as the ogre rushes forward. As thought earlier, the soldiers fire straight at the ogre hitting the barrier. Astrid is able to strengthen it enough to keep it from coming through as Chunk continues to rush forward jumping out through the trees startling the soldiers.

“Impediendum motum!” Astrid shouts out as both soldiers collapse frozen from their running positions allowing Chunk to easily stuff both into his sack alongside Lilandra.

“This is what you saw, huh?” Celina states to the elf as Chunk stops at double cannons looking down at it.


“That's good.” Celina says with a smirk. “Because we're taking it back, Master.”

With Astrid and Lilandra back in their respective pens, Celina bids her farewell to her Master gently stroking his hand. Chunk rubs his stumb in behind his head looking a little bashful before flinging the sack of the two soldiers out from their paralysis over his back to bring them in for processing. Celina watches for a bit until she hears the commanders tent flap open toward her right. She immediately drops down to a bowing position keeping her hands pressed by her head making her rather large girth as small as possible.

“I'm not Master.” Comes a feminine voice certainly carrying the personality of the base commander. Though hearing that, Celina comes back up to her feet looking into the glowing red eyes of the vampires thrall. A former human commander herself, the thrall approaches the captured device looking it over. “These are just cannons. I've told Master about them and the tactics used with these already.”

“I-I know, Mas-ma'am.” Celina replies bowing her head keeping still as the thrall finishes her walk around the cannons and stops before her. “But the enemy has been firing a new sort of projectile with them. Blades, chains even.”

“Oh?” The thrall queries finding something of interest as she looks down at the base the two cannons were on. “Would explain the base. Hm...”

The thrall gives it another look before seeing something written at the middle of the base. She approaches for a closer look.

“Wipe the dirt off, slave.”

“Y-yes, Ma'am!” Celina says quickly dropping to her knees as she rubs her hand over the base dusting off the dirt to reveal a few words imprinted into it reading; You stand here. The other stands somewhere else. Celina looks up perplexed only to find the thrall smiling. “Ma'am?”

“So they're letting you onto the frontlines...” The thrall says to herself before looking back at Celina coming up to her feet. “I have an assignment for your Master.”

Celina keeps to her knees as she looks up at the thrall willing to listen.

“There should be a small camp just outside the forest. A device like this wouldn't have been transported from far. Find it and attack it.”

“Destroy it, Ma'am?” Celina says as the thrall looks down at her annoyed.

“No, slave, attack it. We'll need a short term footing on the other end of the forest...should you finally take it. The sight of your Master's armor and weapons should be enough to bring her out.” The thrall says as Celina tilts her head. “When she does, take her quickly before an archer shoots her and return her here. Don't worry, she'll be so entranced by the curiosities she'll come willingly.”

The thrall goes to head back into the tent as Celina feels things are definitely being kept from her here.

“Anything else, Ma'am?”

“As a matter of fact there is.” The thrall says looking back from the tents entrance keeping the flap closed. “It'll be a long trip back so bring a gag. Claire's not exactly known to keep quiet in her excitement.”

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